Dental Associates of New England

Benefits of AcceleDent®

Feb 16, 2018 @ 12:24 PM — by John Meola
Tagged with: Orthodontics Restorative Dentistry

A crooked smile and misaligned bite can seriously detract from the beauty of the smile, as well as compromise oral function and make hygiene habits less effective. Because of the potential complications of malocclusion problems, most patients reluctantly agree to undergo orthodontic care to correct these types of issues. Though orthodontic treatment is beneficial, it does have its downsides. One of the biggest complaints that patients have is the length of orthodontic treatment. Dr. John D. Meola offers a solution to this problem with AcceleDent®. AcceleDent® improves the effectiveness of orthodontic care to dramatically decrease the overall length of treatment. The benefits of AcceleDent® have led many of our Boston, MA, patients to complement orthodontic treatment with the AcceleDent® system.

Decreased Orthodontic Treatment Time

It is no secret that orthodontic care takes a long time to complete. On average, patients can expect to wear braces or aligners for around 12-18 months. Understandably, most patients really dread this aspect of treatment. AcceleDent® offers patients the ability to dramatically reduce the total length of treatment time. AcceleDent® uses patented technology to send pulses to the teeth and underlying bones. These micropulses increase the bone’s response to the pressure that is being applied by orthodontic appliances. When AcceleDent® is used regularly as directed, it can decrease the length of orthodontic treatment by 35-50%. This allows patients to remove braces or aligners and enjoy a straighter smile much quicker than they would have using orthodontic care alone.


Traditional braces are still the most common form of orthodontic treatment. However, more and more patients are turning to orthodontic systems that use clear aligner trays. Many find that these orthodontic treatments are more comfortable, discreet, and convenient. AcceleDent® is a versatile device that can work with both braces and aligner systems. The AcceleDent® mouth tray can fit over all types orthodontic appliances to increases their effectiveness.

Ease of Treatment

When undergoing orthodontic treatment, patients often have to pay special attention to things like their diet and oral hygiene routine. With so much to focus on, it may seem daunting to add one more thing to the mix. Fortunately, AcceleDent® is very easy to use. For maximum effectiveness, AcceleDent® needs to be used just 20 minutes each day. This is an at-home treatment, so it can be used in the comfort of the patient’s home at whatever time of the day works best for their schedule. AcceleDent® is a mouthpiece that is worn over the patient’s braces or aligners. Treatment is hands-free, so a patient can relax, watch TV, read a book, or even cook dinner while they are wearing the AcceleDent® mouthpiece.


Whether a patient chooses braces or aligner trays for their orthodontic treatment, the teeth will be under pressure that can sometimes cause discomfort. Many patients wonder if AcceleDent® will increase the discomfort of orthodontic treatment. In fact, most patients find that AcceleDent® makes orthodontic treatment more comfortable. The pulses sent to the teeth and bones while AcceleDent® is used are extremely gentle. They have actually been calculated as being 200 times less forceful than chewing. In addition, AcceleDent® causes the bones to respond better to orthodontic pressure, so the teeth and bones move more easily, which can result in a more comfortable orthodontic experience.

Contact Us

AcceleDent® can improve the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment and allow patients to complete orthodontic care in a shorter timeframe. If you are in need of orthodontic services and would like to learn more about how AcceleDent® can supplement your treatment plan, contact us at your earliest convenience. Dr. John D. Meola looks forward to hearing from you!