Dental Associates of New England

IV Sedation: Helping Patients Remain Relaxed

Jan 30, 2018 @ 04:35 PM — by Dental Associates
Tagged with: Sedation Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

Dental phobia, medical conditions, and a host of issues may cause dentists to consider sedation dentistry. This refers to a number of different techniques that help patients achieve a totally relaxed state.

We can use a number of different sedation techniques at our Boston, MA practice. IV sedation may be particularly good for patients who need major dental work done that would be difficult to perform on conscious patients.

What Is IV Sedation?

IV sedations refers to a type of dental sedation in which the sedative is administered in the office intravenously. Intravenous sedation will allow the effects of the sedative drugs to set in quickly. Patients will reach a deep state of relaxation in just a few moments, allowing a dentist to perform involved dental work without any worries of patient discomfort or anxiety.

How Does IV Sedation Work?

IV sedation is simple and work much like it would during a medical procedure. The patient is hooked to an IV that provides a steady dose of sedative into the system. As the patient goes under, the IV will continue to drip sedative drugs, providing a constant relaxed state for the duration of a dental treatment.

Once the dental procedure is completed, the IV is carefully removed. The patient will eventually come to and regain consciousness as the drugs wear off.

Excellent to Address Dental Anxiety

When patients experience serious problems with dental phobia, panic attacks, or anxiety when visiting the dentist, IV sedation is an excellent idea. The IV sedatives work fast, and patients will not have to be worried for too long since the sedated state is achieved in just a minute or so.

Essential for Long, Involved Dental Work

Patients who need to undergo oral surgery or other kinds of invasive or involved dental work will definitely benefit from IV sedation. The sedative drugs will keep the patient unconscious while the necessary work is being performed. The passage of time and any worry about the nature of the procedure are not an issue.

Ideal for People with Poor Gag Reflex

When a patient has a poor gag reflex, IV sedation may be a crucial part of getting the dental work done. While the patient is under the effects of IV sedation, they will not feel uncomfortable gagging or choking while the dentist does their work.

Helpful for Certain Medical Conditions

People who have cerebral palsy or developed Parkinson’s may have a difficult time sitting still for a long period of time. IV sedation helps reduce any movement of the body during a dental procedure, and it can help these patients feel totally relaxed while a dentist performs any necessary work.

Monitoring Patient’s Vitals During Treatment

Since IV sedation does involve more than the use of laughing gas or oral sedatives, we will be sure to carefully monitor the patient during treatment. This will note the patient’s vitals as well as the patient’s state of consciousness. This is a common sense precaution to ensure a patient is fine the entire time.

Have a Loved One with You During the Procedure

On the note of common sense precautions, patients undergoing IV sedation should have a loved one present before and after the procedure. When coming out from under the effects of the sedative drugs, patients may feel groggy and drowsy. Having a loved one to help drive you home is essential for a safe trip to the dentist.

Learn More About Sedation Dentistry

If you would like more information about sedation dentistry procedures, be sure to contact a skilled cosmetic and restorative dentist. The team at Dental Associates of New England will be more than happy to answer your questions and address your concerns.