Dental Associates of New England

Dental Implants for Missing Front Teeth

Oct 2, 2020 @ 04:24 PM — by John Meola
Tagged with: Dental Implants

When an accident or oral injury occurs, the front teeth are especially vulnerable to being damaged or knocked out. Unlike other areas of the body that can heal after an injury, damaged or lost teeth are compromised permanently.

Several restorative dentistry treatments can replace missing teeth. When the front teeth are missing, it is especially important to choose a restoration that will restore oral functions while maintaining the natural appearance of the smile. At Dental Associates of New England, we often suggest that our Boston, MA, patients receive dental implants for missing front teeth. Dental implants offer the closest replica to the look, feel, and function of the natural teeth.

Dental Implant Candidates

Dental implants are widely considered the superior treatment for missing teeth, whether molars or your front teeth. While many people can take advantage of the benefits of dental implants, not everyone is an ideal candidate for treatment. For dental implant treatment to be a success, the implant must fuse with the patient’s jawbone tissues. This process, which is called osseointegration, can only occur if the patient has good oral health and high bone density. 

Since bone tissues gradually begin to deteriorate following tooth loss, it is important that people seek treatment for missing teeth as soon as possible. The more quickly that individuals address tooth loss, the more likely it is that their jawbone and gum tissues will be strong and healthy enough to support the placement of dental implants.

Dental Implant Treatment Timeline

For those of our Boston patients who are ideal candidates, dental implant treatment takes place in several stages. The first stage of treatment involves the surgical placement of the implants, which are actually tiny titanium screws. After dental implants are placed, patients must wait for the gums to heal and for the implants to fuse with the jaw. This process can take between four and six months.

Many patients worry that they will be without teeth for the duration of dental implant treatment. However, we place temporary dental restorations, so that patients can enjoy an attractive smile while they wait for dental implant treatment to be completed.

When the gums and jaw have healed, the next stage of dental implant treatment is the placement of metal abutments. Abutments are small posts that connect to the top of the dental implant. They protrude from the gum line and allow for the placement of dental restorations. 

Finally, after the gums have healed around the abutments, we can place permanent dental restorations. Depending on each patient’s needs, either dental crowns, a dental bridge, or dentures will be bonded to the abutments. Dental restorations are customized by size, shape, and color, so they blend in seamlessly with adjacent teeth.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants offer our Boston patients a number of benefits unique to this technique. They:

Contact Us

If you have experienced adult tooth loss, it is important to seek dental treatment quickly to maintain the health and support of adjacent teeth. If you’d like to find out if you are an ideal candidate for dental implants, send us a message at your earliest convenience or call (781) 890-4900 to schedule an appointment.