Dental Associates of New England

Say Goodbye to “Metal Mouth”: Invisalign® for Teens

Jul 1, 2013 @ 09:00 AM — by John Meola
Tagged with: Invisalign Cosmetic Dentistry

Whether you’re a teen who needs orthodontic work or you’re a parent looking at options for your teen, you’ve probably looked into traditional, metal braces. However, there are alternatives to unsightly metal braces, including invisalign®.

Why Not Braces?

If you’re a parent, you may have had metal braces yourself; if you’re a teen, you may have friends who have them. In either case, you know the downsides. Metal braces can:

Our cosmetic dentists understand these downsides very well and, in turn, offer a better option to teenage patients.

What Is Invisalign®?

Invisalign® is a teeth straightening method that eliminates the uncomfortable metal associated with braces and uses a series of custom-made, smooth, clear trays to align the teeth. These BPA-free plastic trays are switched approximately every two weeks and, through the process of wearing the custom trays, the teeth gradually shift position over time. Your dentist outlines the plan for your teeth and ensures that each custom-created tray takes you one step closer to your perfect smile.

Benefits of Invisalign®

Most teens love Invisalign® because it involves the use of trays that are virtually invisible; the clear aligner trays straighten the teeth without altering your appearance. But, you may not be aware of the other benefits Invisalign® offers. With Invisalign®, you’ll get:

Are There Any Risks?

Invisalign® is a safe and effective method of aligning the teeth; however, you should know that Invisalign® requires a high level of patient responsibility. Because the trays are removable, you must be vigilant about your own dental hygiene; you need to clean the trays frequently in order to ensure that food, plaque, and bacteria don’t become trapped between the aligners and the teeth.

What Does Treatment Involve?

Invisalign® treatment involves three simple steps:

How Long Does It Take?

For teens, Invisalign® treatment time generally matches the time it takes for traditional braces. Your dentist will advise you of your estimated treatment time during your initial consultation.

To discuss your options with one of our Invisalign® dentists, please contact us today for a free, personalized consultation.