Dental Associates of New England

Popular Dental Treatments for Teens

Jul 27, 2012 @ 04:23 AM — by John Meola
Tagged with: Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Dental Fillings

Teenagers lead very busy lives. Between school, sports, friends, and work, dental health may be something that gets pushed to the back burner. Not only that, but the soda, candy, and snack food they eat on the run may also accelerate tooth decay. It is no surprise that cavities are one of the top dental problems among teenagers. However, teens are also prone to dental problems that cannot be prevented, such as overcrowded teeth, gaps in teeth, and other alignment issues. At our Boston cosmetic dentistry office, we offer teens discreet solutions to these common dental problems.

Tooth-colored Fillings

With the practice of good oral hygiene habits, cavities can be prevented. But, let’s face it, most of us have had a cavity at least once in our lives, and teens are especially likely to suffer from tooth decay. With their busy schedules, teens may not always remember to brush at least twice a day and floss every night. So if a cavity does occur, it is important to take care of the problem and prevent further tooth decay.

But what teen wants to walk around with a silver filling? Teens can be self-conscious of their looks as it is. It is important for teens to be able to talk, laugh, and smile with confidence, which is why tooth-colored fillings are an ideal choice for teens. These fillings blend in with the natural color of teeth, becoming unnoticeable in your mouth. If you have had traditional metal fillings in the past, those may also be replaced with new, tooth colored fillings.

Tooth-colored Braces

Teens may suffer from several alignment issues. Traditional braces are still offered as a solution to these problems. But braces do not need to be seen as the “metal mouth” braces of the past. Tooth colored braces are now available. These tooth colored braces are barely noticeable in the mouth.


For those who would like an even more discreet solution than braces, we offer our teens in Boston Invisalign as the perfect solution for crooked or misaligned teeth. Invisalign involves the use of a series of clear aligners that are worn over the teeth. These aligners are virtually invisible. Any teen can wear Invisalign with confidence, knowing that there is nothing that will stand out and make their smile look any different than those of their friends. Invisalign is also more comfortable than traditional braces. There is not metal or wiring so there is no need for your teen to worry about irritation to the tongue and tissues in the mouth. Not only that, but Invisalign can be removed for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing. With all of these advantages, it may be hard to believe, but Invisalign produces results in an average of nine to 15 months, which is about the same time you can expect to see results from traditional braces.

Schedule an Appointment

Teens may lead busy lives, but it is important for them to maintain good oral health. In addition to regular brushing and flossing, make sure they continue with routine dental check-ups and cleanings. Many dental problems can be prevented, but for those issues that do arise, we offer discreet solutions that will leave your teen feeling happy and confident. Schedule an appointment for your teen today.