Dental Associates of New England

Freshen up for Valentines Day! - 10 Home Remedies For Bad Breath

Feb 4, 2011 @ 12:48 PM — by John Meola
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Greater Boston Area Dentist: Bad Breath Tips

Flowers, chocolates, candlelit dinners, and… bad breath?! Dealing with halitosis is certainly no way to spend your Valentines Day. Luckily, your favorite Boston dentist is on the case with a list of home remedies.

Bad breath is caused by bacteria in the mouth, namely within the surface of the tongue, throat, gums, and even in small holes in the teeth. If daily brushing and flossing still leave your mouth feeling less than fresh, here’s a great list of simple and practical remedies from that you can try to cure halitosis:

  1. Brush with baking soda to reduce the acidity in the mouth and make it difficult for the bacteria to grow
  2. Brush and rinse using hydrogen peroxide when you have upper respiratory infections but don’t swallow it
  3. Gargle with salt water to reduce bacteria in the mouth
  4. Avoid eating foods with refined carbohydrates and sugars like cookies, sweets, cakes, carbonated soft drinks, ice creams and syrups
  5. Drink sufficient amount of water (6-8 glasses) daily
  6. Brush teeth daily especially before going to bed
  7. Mix a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds to ½ liter of water, simmer for 15 minutes, strain and drink as tea
  8. Exercise and eat fiber rich foods to prevent constipation
  9. Stop bad breath and gum bleeding by chewing unripe guava fruit or its tender leaves
  10. Eat avocado to remove intestinal decomposition that leads to bad breath

See your dentist or doctor if bad breath still persists. Because the odor can come from abscesses in the gums, stingy plaque build-up, or decay at the roots of the teeth, keeping up with periodic professional dental cleanings is a must. Consulting with your dentist may help to uncover some other health reasons at the root of the problem.